


We pride ourselves on presenting the best transport and logistic offerings to be had all over the world.

Cambodia imports mainly from China and some ASEAN countries, and exports to the US, EU and some ASEAN countries, so our market depends on foreign investment. Logistics in Cambodia still need more time to work and improve to be fit for overseas market demand. That’s why Young Sia Logistics Cambodia Company has been established since 2015 by Mr. Cooler Tan. Young Sia Logistics company started by had some staffs to support our daily operations, but due to market demand and more investors like factories, industries and enterprises have been investing in Cambodia, that’s why currently we hire more staffs to support our operation, and now we have more than 20 staffs and over 100 customers in hands. We are providing customs with broker service, transportation, as well as Sea freight and Air freight for both local and international customers. We have been providing our services to customers in Phnom Penh such as New Phnom Penh international airport, Siem Reap new international airport and some big projects in Phnom Penh city as well as in Sihanoukville city. At the same time, we also have been offering our services to factories and enterprises in Phnom Penh as well other provinces throughout the countries.

Our Vision

Is To Help Our Customers And Partners Grow In Cambodia And Overseas Market.

Our Goal

We aim to make our company to be one of the best logistics providers in Cambodia by 2025.

Our Mission

We will help our customers to enlarge their business operation in Cambodia market and to make it succeed, we provide our customers with faster services, accuracy, time saving and trustworthy.

Core Value

We Work As A Team


We are well-organized and punctual. Our company will prepare for our customers from A to Z. We do the right thing and provide the right services to customers. We are applying the most efficient mode of transportation for every shipment, every time it moves.


We are professional, skillful and experiences in logistics to drive value, optimize solutions, and deliver the best customer service to customers, to ensure that your products will reach its destination on time and smoothly.


We are working with high commitment, respecting time, working hard, and providing value with high standard in all that we do to meet our customer needs.


We are respecting our customers, respecting our partners, have good relationships with customers, value our customers, our partners and keep them confidential.